Why wait until tomorrow?
I am unsure why people constantly use the excuse of having no time to be overall healthy- (eat healthy, make healthy life decisions, and workout healthy). You can make time for things that really matter. And lets be honest, your health should be one of the most important things in your life! I have four part time jobs, go to school full time and still manage to workout at least 5x a week, prepare meals to eat healthy and make time for friends, family and myself! There's no excuse for anyone so get your butt movin!
Anyway, that's my rant of the day so lets get motivated and get inspired.. I like to try and inspire others because it motivates me to keep pushing myself! :)
Here are a couple exercises you can do with a physio ball to challenge yourself! First set of two pictures work your abs hardcore! Second set of two pictures work your hamstrings very well! I did these this morning after 40 minutes of cardio. Do about 8-12 repetitions and 3 sets of each!
Let me know what you think :)
Arms either at side, physio ball between legs (straight legs) |
Keep firm grip on physio ball with your feet, raise your legs as high as you can, keeping them straight then slowly lower back to the first position. |
Feet on the physio ball, arms at side, raise hips off of ground as high as you can keeping legs straight. |
Curl in ball with your feet while keeping your hips raise as high as you can off of the ground then slowly straighten your legs back to the first position. (keep hips off ground entire exercise). |
Stay tuned for updates, more to come!
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